Parry Sound Bathing Beach, Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada

Another standard view. Likely taken in the late 1960s or early 1970s by the prolific local photographer Jack Thompson. This postcard is full colour. Our view is looking south:

  • a sunny day, the breeze is up and there is a chop in the water
  • we see a substantial rock pier used as a viewing position
  • with a dozen or so sunbathers
  • no-one is in the water
  • the swimming area is marked with red and white buoys
  • the road up to the High Jump is well developed with a red gate restricting certain traffic
  • there is a green building at the far left of photo – im not sure what that is
  • loose vegetation has given way to bent pine trees in the background

This card was printed  using a proprietary colour printing technique called Plastichrome that seems to have allowed a good image to be reproduced. The card is quite stiff and does seem to have a slight plastic feel to it. Plastichrome was trade marked in 1965 and travels with a Registration designation which likely suggests a mature version of the process. The ColourPicture Publishing  Company headquarted in from Boston, USA produced the card. Perhaps there is a clue why Jack Thompson used them – they spell Colour in the Canadian/British manner rather than the American fashion.

This however is not a RP/Real Postcard, its definitely a reproduction.